Sunday, June 15, 2008

Operation Bring Ellie Home Commences

So, here is it. The day before I leave for Russia to meet my new daughter. I am Merinda Condra of Lubbock, Texas. I have one beautiful daughter named Emma. Tomorrow morning I will leave for Russia to find my second daughter, Ellie. I am excidted, but can't imagine how I will stand to be without my little Emma for an entire week!! This blog is to keep our friends and family updated on our progress. Please pray for our family during this exciting and trying time.


Mom said...

Give us an update at every stop. We love you. Mom

jennyv said...

How exciting!!! Please send pictures as soon as you can. I can't wait to meet and see the new little one. Be safe on your trip. I'll be thinking and praying for you. I can't wait for the next update!!!
Love, Jenny

kristirowland said...

Good Luck and Take care! We're so excited for you!
Love, Kristi and Laney

anncruceroberts said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet Miss Ellie!! We will be thinking of you all.
Love you,
Ann, Scott, & Samuel