Saturday, June 21, 2008


Sunday morning here, about 9:30. I was woken up at about 3:00 am this morning with cars honking and people cheering. It went on until about 8:00. I'm not sure what is going on, but if its a coup, please someone email me. It is less than 36 hours until I get to see who I hope is Ellie. Today will mostly just be killing time (without getting lost). I've looked on the internet for some sort of tour or something. But with the exception of the strip mines, have found nothing.

I am in better spririts that I was. She is here somewhere. Hope springs eternal. Love Merinda

1 comment:

Lara said...

I am getting Alyssa ready for church, trying to get Brice up (you know how teenagers are!), wondering if I will get my makeup on, and desperately wishing that Gabbie was home with us (even though I KNOW I wont get makeup on then!) and I just keep thinking of you over there in Russia fulfilling God's plans and making a difference in so many peoples lives! I hope all goes as you hope and that we will also be seeing little Ellie soon. I can hardly wait to check your blogs each day and am especially anxious to check it tomorrow morning! I know you are doubly anxious! We love you!