Thursday, June 19, 2008

On the search

The department of education has spent all day trying to see if there might be another little girl for me to go see. At this time, I don't know what the outcome of that search will be. I have been praying that if Ellie is here, they find her so I can see her. I have also been praying that if Ellie is not here, that they don't find anyone for me to go see. I so desperately don't want another day like yesterday. Thank you for your prayers. Mom, please tell Emma I love her so very much and will come home soon. Love Merinda


kasogayle said...

Those are my prayers, too, Merinda!! God, open the right doors and close any that aren't right....keep Merinda, Emma, and Ellie all safe while they are separated for this time.

Lara said...

I know God is there with you and that all will turn out as it should be. I know that it is still horribly hard! We love you!!!! When is your flight home?

allen said...


got the blog address from your mom... my prayers are SO with you right now. i hope that His peace and His goodness will continually wash over you. Know, and rest in the assurance and confidence that He is as at work and loves you. I am so excited for you and your family. Stay strong - for He has made you strong.

Sam said...


You are in our prayers.

Love Sam Sonia & Michala