Thursday, June 19, 2008

Maybe Ellie

First, thank you so very much for you posts. I cannot tell you how much it means to me. The department of education has located a little girl, almost two for me to go see but I will be delayed here by quite a number of days to see her. If I had received this information while home, I might have said that she is too old. But, I asked God to only allow me to see a child, if that child were Ellie. So, I have agreed to go see her. Please pray that she is Ellie. And please pray for my little Emma. We have never been apart this long. My heart is breaking at the thought of being gone from her longer. But I feel that I must have faith that God has granted my request and that this little girl is Ellie. Thank you all for your prayers. Love Merinda

1 comment:

Lara said...

It will all work out :) Love you!