Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Finally in Kemerovo

Well I am finally here. (Shelly and Robert, Irena says hi!) My flight arrived about 6:15 this morning, but by the time I got my luggage and everything, it was abour 7:30 before I made it to the hotel. Irena (and Eugene the driver) are supposed to pick me up at 11:45. I got to talk to Emma on the phone when I got here. I could not belive how my heart jumped to hear her voice. I miss that little girl so much. It sounds like she is handling the separation pretty well -- not surprising that she would be more mature about the whole thing than me.

I can't tell you how much your posts mean to me. It is so exciting to log on and see them!! Thank you! By the way, if anyone knows a single chiropracter let me know (with the knots I in my spine have I will have to marry him, I could not afford all of the treatments).

Mom please tell Emma that I love her with my whole heart. Love to everybody, Merinda


Lara said...

I wish I were there too!!!!!!! Have fun and enjoy your time with little Ellie!!!!!!

Stacy Johnson said...

Wow - last I heard about adopting a new one it seemed forever away. Either time moves quickly - which I have discovered or this happened quicker than I anticipated. Anyway, it is exciting to hear of your adventure. I am so happy for you and Emma (and Ellie). I can not wait to meet her. Good luck and know that we all at the CDRC are hoping for a smooth journey. Best wishes and tell Emma that her CDRC friends miss her.

swhook said...

Tell Irena and Eugene hi for us and that Addie is doing better than we could have ever prayed for. It is like she has alway been a part of our family.