Thursday, June 18, 2009

Court Hearing Tomorrow

It took over forty hours, but I arrived without incident in Vladivostok on Wednesday and then slept the rest of the day. It is currently 11:00 pm on Thursday. I went to see Elle today. She is doing so well. I can't believe how much she has grown. She cuddled with me today and fell asleep in arms. I so wished I could have slipped her under my shirt and taken her back to the hotel. Tomorrow morning I get to see her again and then tomorrow afternoon I have my court hearing. The hearing will last an hour to an hour and a half. I probably won't get back to the hotel until 6:00 pm. I will post as soon as I get back. Please pray for an easy and successful hearing!!


Todd and Jana said...

Good luck with your hearing!!

Kim said...

Best of luck at court!