Friday, March 27, 2009

Saying Goodbye -- for now

It is Saturday morning about 10:30 and I am in the Seoul Airport waiting for a 5:00 pm flight. I am so looking forward to seeing my little Emma. Yesterday, however, was the most difficult day of this trip -- saying goodby -- for now. In my heart Ellie is already mine, When I left Emma in Lubbock, I knew she was safe, loved beyond all belief, well fed, warm and night, and her future secure. Leaving Ellie is much less certain. She is in an orphanage with leaky windows, flooring worn by years of repetitive use, mismatched, patched, and in some cases missing entirely. She eats cereal from a bottle and must stop before she is ready. She is constantly bundled in clothes in the belief that doing so will protect her from sickness -- because there are no adequate funds for sufficient antibiotics if she does become ill. Her future right now seems so tenuous. I have heard it said that having a child is the very uncomfortable feeling of having your heart running around outside of your body. I found with Emma that no truer words were ever spoken. With Ellie, part of my heart is beyond my reach. Please pray for her safety and that the rest of this adoption proceeds quickly and without problem. Please pray that Ellie feels our love so many miles a way. Please pray that she comes home to us soon. Love Merinda


Anonymous said...

hang in there merinda....hurry home and tell us about that little girlie. cant wait to hear about her and ur trip. good luck chris

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you! I am sorry I just thought to check the site for info. but am over joyed to find it so full of positive things. Be safe and I can't wait to hear more in person! As always you are all in my prayers, especially Ellie!

Unknown said...

Just to let you know the post from Gene is really from me; Lara : )

kasogayle said...

Praying for Ellie! And for you and Emma...praying God will protect her and bring her home to you very very soon.

Amy B. said...

So happy to hear you found Ellie. Hallelujah! Yes, having to wait to bring your child is definitely one of the hardest parts of an international adoption. I will be praying for Ellie and for your mama-heart.
