Thursday, March 26, 2009

The road home

It is 7:00am here in Vladivostok. I have a busy day that includes visiting my little precious one -- one more time. The thought of leaving her is terrible and the thought of seeing my little Emma, bliss. I fly to Seoul today and spend the night. Tomorrow I fly to Atlanta and then Dallas. Then, Sunday, I fly home to my family whom I miss very much. Mom, please give Emma a kiss. Love Merinda


Anonymous said...

i hope your last visit with ellie was a good one! it sounds like your trip has been fabulous. a good trip can take the rough edge off of your kemerovo trip. :)

Jamie Pelfrey said...


What a joy it is to see you reap the benefits of your hard work. Not just in the lives of Emma and Ellie but in the lives of countless other families you have helped. I am forever grateful to you! You are a mighty woman sister friend and I am so excited for you. Please know we are praying for you and that we love you bunches. Hugs!

The Pelfreys

kasogayle said...

Safe travels, my friend...can't wait to see pictures of your sweet Ellie!!! Lunch next week????