Sunday, March 22, 2009

Labor Pains

Well, I always tell families to "go with the flow." I am having some challenges with that right now. I, with almost OCD zeal, reserched this travel plan. I would fly Lubbock to Dallas, fly from Dallas to Seoul, stay at the transit hotel in the airport, fly to Vladivostok the next morning. -- That was the plan. Everything was on track until I got to the airport in Lubbock. The airline person could not figure out how to check my baggage all the way to Vladivostok, so she checked it to Seoul with instructions that I could get it fixed in Dallas. In Dallas the ticket agent told me that he had it fixed. Then while I was boarding (two hours after I checked in) he found me to tell me that it was not fixed and I would need to collect my baggage at Seoul. Still, I am fine -- going with the flow.

Fast forward fifteen hours, we arrive in Seoul (I am traveling with another adoptive family) Their bags are fine. On the instructions of an airline personel, we split up so that I can collect my baggage and they will go to the transit hotel. We will then meet at the transit hotel. After an hour getting through passport control, baggage collection and customs, I enter the main area of the airport and begin to look for a way to the transit hotel. Well, after going to the information desk, the Korean airlines office, and begging a customs officer it becomes apparent that I cannot reenter the departure area (only access to the transit hotel) until tomorrow morning. My fellow travelers, I hope, are safely tucked away in the hotel -- but I cannot get there. After standing bewildered in a stupor, I am brought back to the present, be shouts and signs in what appears to be some sort of protest. Later I decided it might have been a political rally, but quite frankly anything chanted in a language you don't understand by hundreds of people is, to say the least, unsettling.

At this point I am desperate to get out of the airport to a hotel. I was directed to a shuttle, at area 1. Area 1 was blocked off by police because of the demonstrations. I looked for another place, found bus lines with American hotels listed -- tried to buy a bus ticket. Was told "no" "Shuttle free -- go to area 1."

About that time I spotted a Renaisance shuttle and tried to get on -- no -- don't know why. Then it happened, in the distance, I spotted a Hyatt shuttle. I have never seen such a truely beautiful shuttle. I know, there are those of you who doubt me, those who have never discovered the beauty of a shuttle -- but I know -- I am a believer.

This who process took about three and 1/2 hours. Upon arriving at the hotel, I discovered that in the hustle and bustle, my paperwork and itinerary were stolen. Who ever got it was sorely disappointed, but I am terrified that it will keep me from seeing Ellie.

So, a hot bath calls. It is about 7:30 pm on Sunday here. My flight is at 10:00 A.M. in the morning.

Mom and Dad, please give Emma kisses!! By the way, more bars in more places, does not include Korea.

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