Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Phase Two

Well, I didn't want to post until I was almost absolutely completely certain is was going to happen. I am getting ready to travel to Russia!! I will be leaving early Saturday morning (6:45 flight). I am traveling to Vladivostok. When I started this process that is the region I said I did not want to go to -- it is far far far eastern Russia. Yet, I am pretty sure that is where my Ellie is. If you want to make God laugh -- tell him your plans. Emma is so excited. I am excited and worried and broke and everything else that comes with international adoption. I know that God will take care of it all. Please remember us in your prayers. I worry about my little Emma while I am gone. Merinda

1 comment:

kasogayle said...

Am and will be praying!!! Keep posting! I can't wait to see her!