Thursday, July 2, 2009

God Works in Mysterious Ways

So, today I traveled to Moscow. I was placed in a bulkhead seat where a bassinet would fit. Aeroflot reserves these areas for families traveling with children because of the bassinet and there is a bit more room. It looked like I might be sitting alone, when a man appeared, obviously put out at the sight of a baby (which he continued to communicate throughout the flight). Understand, there were other seats empty on the airline, so he would have had to have requested the bulkhead -- where the families sit. But, that was not the worst of it. This man smelled worse than any person I have ever smelled in my entire life. I do not have a sensitive nose and have spent time around people from other cultures who believe BO is an aphrodisic, so when i tell you it was bad -- it was soooooooo bad. I actually started feeling nauseous because of the odor. He sat down and with every effort to get settled, a fresh waive of scent was released until finally, he became still and the odor became bareable. But then, a fresh waive of stench, horible, but different than before. Yes, you guessed it -- he took off his shoes!!!! Oh dear Lord, help me!! Nine hours next to that!!!

But, there is a silver lining. My poor dear darling did not have a good flight. She slept all of seven minutes during the flight and have three fairly bad (very -- oh my goodness horrible) bowel movements. One of which soiled an outfit to the point I threw it away on the plane.
If I had been seated next to a pleasent, non stinky person, I would have felt terribly about the stench, the constant movement, and the periodic crying. As it was, I felt free to concentrate all of my energies on the welfare of my daughter, with out a concern for my fellow passenger. As I said, the Lord works in Mysterious ways.
However, without further ado, the moment you have all been waiting for . . . (drum roll please)


robert c. pelfrey said...

Oh my gosh, what a beautiful child! Guess it takes a lot of manure to grow such a lovely rose. Though, in light of your fellow passenger, sometimes manure just produces flies!

Clarese said...

Wow! She is gorgeous! Congratulations.