Sunday, July 5, 2009

Love is thicker than Vomit

This morning started like every other with a trip downstairs to the breakfast buffet. Elle has had some intestinal challenges since leaving Vladivostok. Today, though, we had both ends. As I held her in my lap, in the restaurant, she threw up everything she had eaten -- apparently for the last year - all over me. As I was covered from shirt to pants, to shoes, I worried about my little baby. It must be love.


Sheila said...

She is just gorgeous!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to have you both back home safe!! Keeping you in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

beautiful little girl! safe travels home. i hope the gi stuff is over with before the plane ride!

Jen said...

Hi! I just found your blog and am so happy for you. Congrats! We leave next Thursday for our court trip and can't wait until we're on the other side of this adventure and have our girl home with us. Hope you don't mind if I follow along.