Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Surpise Party and Delay

The most wonderful thing ever, my family and friends had a surprise birthday party for Elle. I don't know how they managed, but my mother took Emma and myself to "drop by" my brother and sister-on-law's house and found a wonderful party. Friends were there along with family. Elle (and Emma!) received some lovely gifts and I tried to not cry. We are so very blessed.

I thought perhaps that my court date would be June 5, 2009. Unfortunately, my court date will be on June 19, 2009. I know I know -- just two more weeks. I have been pregnant for a year and a half it is only two extra weeks. So, I am working to get things ready to go. It is high season in Russia and Korea, so flights are extra expensive and difficult to get. But, I am working on patience.

The neatest thing happened, however, a good friend of mine had been adopting from China. China has slowed down to almost a stop, so she changed to Russia. Well, in record time, she received a referral of nine month old little girl in Vladivostok. She will probably accept the referral and be in Russia for here first trip at least a little bit of the time that I am there. So, I will have some company -- hopefully.

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