Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We are legal!!

We went to the embassy today. Elle has her Visa and we are legal to travel home!! We leave the hotel tomorrow at 9:30 am. Please pray for our safe travels. If any of you see Emma, tell her how very much I love her. Merinda

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Love is thicker than Vomit

This morning started like every other with a trip downstairs to the breakfast buffet. Elle has had some intestinal challenges since leaving Vladivostok. Today, though, we had both ends. As I held her in my lap, in the restaurant, she threw up everything she had eaten -- apparently for the last year - all over me. As I was covered from shirt to pants, to shoes, I worried about my little baby. It must be love.

Friday, July 3, 2009

I am so very blessed

When I adopted my daughter Emma, my good friend Caryn flew all the way to Moscow to help me bring her home. Now with Elle, my good friend Debbie flew all the way to Moscow to help me bring her home. As I type this my new daughter is sleeping quietly in her crib and it is just five day until I get to come home and hug my little Emma and see our family. I have received emails and posts from people I love encouraging me throughout this process. This has been so terribly hard, but has been a wonderful opportunity to remember how very blessed I am.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

God Works in Mysterious Ways

So, today I traveled to Moscow. I was placed in a bulkhead seat where a bassinet would fit. Aeroflot reserves these areas for families traveling with children because of the bassinet and there is a bit more room. It looked like I might be sitting alone, when a man appeared, obviously put out at the sight of a baby (which he continued to communicate throughout the flight). Understand, there were other seats empty on the airline, so he would have had to have requested the bulkhead -- where the families sit. But, that was not the worst of it. This man smelled worse than any person I have ever smelled in my entire life. I do not have a sensitive nose and have spent time around people from other cultures who believe BO is an aphrodisic, so when i tell you it was bad -- it was soooooooo bad. I actually started feeling nauseous because of the odor. He sat down and with every effort to get settled, a fresh waive of scent was released until finally, he became still and the odor became bareable. But then, a fresh waive of stench, horible, but different than before. Yes, you guessed it -- he took off his shoes!!!! Oh dear Lord, help me!! Nine hours next to that!!!

But, there is a silver lining. My poor dear darling did not have a good flight. She slept all of seven minutes during the flight and have three fairly bad (very -- oh my goodness horrible) bowel movements. One of which soiled an outfit to the point I threw it away on the plane.
If I had been seated next to a pleasent, non stinky person, I would have felt terribly about the stench, the constant movement, and the periodic crying. As it was, I felt free to concentrate all of my energies on the welfare of my daughter, with out a concern for my fellow passenger. As I said, the Lord works in Mysterious ways.
However, without further ado, the moment you have all been waiting for . . . (drum roll please)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tomorrow -- Moscow

This day started with a phone call to my family. My daughter, my niece, and my parents were all able to see the newest member of our family on via webcam. It was wonderful. I can't wait for us all to be together. Oksana took me to pick up Elle's passport, get her ticket to Moscow and then to the doctor approved by the U.S. Embassy. She is realy just amazing and so very nice. Tonight another family arrives who is adopting through Adoption Covenant and Beacon House and I will get to eat dinner with them. I excited to see them. Tomorrow, Oksana picks me up at 11:30 am to go to the airport. It will be nice to have a change of scenery and even nicer to see Debbie, my friend who is going to Moscow to site see and help me bring Elle home. Progress! Please pray for a safe flight (we are flying on a Russian airline!) Love Merinda and Elle.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Finally -- Elle Rachel Condra

This morning started with a trip to the court to pick up the decree -- then to the office of vital statistics -- then to the passport office -- then to the office which apostiles documents -- then to the gas station -- then to the grocery store -- and finally to the baby hospital. Glory Glory Halleluia, I have my Elle! At this very moment she is taking a nap in the crib which the hotel placed in my room. I cannot tell you how relieved I am that this day has finally come. Tomorrow we go to pick up the passport and then to the doctor to have her examination. I am still a little paranoid and will post pictures when we get to Moscow. Love Merinda and Elle

Getting My Baby Tomorrow

Tomorrow I get to pick up my little Elle from the baby hospital. The day will start early with a trip to court to pick up the court ruling, a trip to the office of vital statistics, a trip to get apostiles and then to the passport to apply for Elle's passport. They we will pick up Elle. I went to see her She was full of life -- playing and playing and playing!! And she has such a wonderful laugh! Anyway, less than eighteen hours until I get her. The next day I take her to see one of the doctors approved by the U.S. Embassy and the next day to Moscow.